Believe me My Dear !
Misery is not as big as you make it
Be very factual if you really wish to be real
You cannot get out of fiction
You can get out of facts
Facts can be tackled
Fiction cannot be tackled…….
This is the way of mind
The way of ego
To magnify everything
To make everything look big
And then to start suffering in a big way
The cause is not the big
The effect can be very big
My Dear! all depends on you
There are, of course, people
Who get pleasure in suffering
Who get attention by magnifying miseries…….
My Dear! Look again
Consider again
Do reconsider the whole situation
Just ask a question to yourself :
“What is that you are calling ‘utterly miserable’ ?
And in answer you will get :
‘Just ordinary facts of life’
But you do not want to be ordinary
The ego hankers to be extraordinary
Even if it is misery
It should be extraordinary.
Right now you are into it
Bring your misery to the level of reality
Watch it
Only reality can be observed
Fiction cannot be observed
Once reality is there
This is objective
Watch it
Suddenly happens a great realization
You are the watcher
And you are out of it……………….